What’s the deal with PFAS?

Today, I wanted to chat about something that’s been on my radar: PFAS. Sounds like some sci-fi term, right? But trust me, it’s something we should all know about.

So, what’s the deal with PFAS?

Think of those handy non-stick pans, that raincoat for wet school runs, or even some of those chic workout leggings we adore. Yep, many of these can contain PFAS - chemicals that help resist water, grease, and stains.

Okay, but why should we care?

These sneaky chemicals have staying power. They stick around in our environment and even in us! Over time, they can throw some wild parties in our bodies like:

  • Messing with our hormones

  • Making us feel under the weather more often

  • Upping our cholesterol (and not in the good avocado-toast way)

  • And there’s chatter about them being linked to some not-so-great health issues too

Got it. What can we do?

1. Re-Think the Kitchen:

Consider switching out that non-stick pan for a classic cast iron or stainless steel.

2. Water Check:

Dive into your local water report. If PFAS is on the list, maybe it’s time for a fab water filter.

3. Leggings Alert:

We all love a good workout look, but some leggings might have PFAS. So, next shopping spree? Check the labels and ask questions!

4. Takeout Time:

Even though we love a night off from cooking, some fast-food packaging has PFAS vibes. Home-cooked or PFAS-free options might be the way to go.

5. Clothes Call:

Raincoats, stain-resistant clothes, and more. Natural might be the trendiest choice right now!

6. Knowledge is Power:

A little research before buying can go a long way. We’ve got the tools; let’s use them!

In This Together!

We’ve got this, mama! Every choice we make brings us closer to a healthier home. I promise to keep you updated with all the need-to-knows.

Sending all the good vibes,



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