

  • Aussie Trace Minerals

    Aussie Trace Minerals

    Naturally harvested from the pristine Southern Australian coast, Aussie Trace Minerals is a pure IONIC trace mineral solution derived from 100% solar concentrated and sodium reduced ocean water. In addition to being very high in absorbable Magnesium, it also contains over 70 other minerals and electrolytes, making it a complete and balanced formula.

    Use code QuantumLens at checkout for 10% off your order.

  • double helix water

    double helix water

    Double Helix Water® is a unique, ultra pure water form containing concentrated stable water clusters formed at a microscopic level.

    Use code Quantumlens at checkout for 15% off your order.

  • Quinton water and wellness

    Quinton water and wellness

    Brought to you by a team of experienced and respected innovators in water purification and filtration technology, our curated collection of products, backed by decades of research, serves to provide every household with toxin free, mineral rich, and life giving water.


  • Analemma


    Aǹalemma is a revolutionary tool that powerfully enhances the properties, quality and the effects of drinking water by transforming it into a coherent, liquid crystalline state.

  • Greenfield Water

    Greenfield Water

    Put life force back into your tap water with Greenfield Water Solutions. Use code QuantumLens10 for 10% off!

  • natural action under sink filter

    natural action under sink filter

    This device produces revitalized structured water through a natural process of passive ionization utilizing paramagnetic materials and organized turbulence to produce natural ionizing effects improving the charge distribution similar to mountain spring water.

    Use code quantumlens10 for 10% off or quantumlens20 for 20% off on orders over $1500.